Tadeusz Nowak
Linguistics and English Language
I am a PhD student at the Centre for Language Evolution in Edinburgh. Before, I studied Cognitive Semiotics in Aarhus, where I also worked as an RA in different projects associated with the Interacting Minds Centre. My undergraduate was in Language and Communication in Berlin (including training in psychology and [neuro]cognitive science). My main interests lie in the study of human interaction and communication. Specifically, how meaning is grounded in relation to others and the environment at hand, and how this can lead to the emergence of cultural conventions or linguistic structure. Other interests include social cognition/interpersonal coordination in general as well as spatial cognition.
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Linguistics and English Language
Bacon ipsum dolor amet frankfurter pork loin flank ground round kielbasa boudin leberkas landjaeger pastrami. Fatback chuck pork pastrami, tenderloin doner venison tail tri-tip frankfurter burgdoggen andouille capicola shankle sirloin. Pork loin fatback salami, beef frankfurter pancetta cupim jerky tongue kielbasa corned beef ball tip prosciutto. Jerky landjaeger spare ribs turducken. Landjaeger spare ribs brisket porLinguistics and English Languagek belly, beef sirloin doner ham hock hamburger fatback.