Call for postdocs 2022
The Center of Excellence IMSErt at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland is inviting applications from international researchers for a one-year post-doctoral fellowship at CLES NCU ( The applicant is expected to have a background in behavioral sciences / cognitive sciences or linguistics and a strong expertise in empirical methods.
Although this is not an obligatory requirement, having ANY of the following or similar skillsets would be an advantage: planning and conducting behavioral experiments, eyetracking, motion capture, video data annotation and analysis, big data, scientometrics, and statistical analysis of data and programming.
The applicant is expected to collaborate with the CLES members in conducting research as well as share her/his expertise and skills during the Center’s weekly seminars and designated workshops. The applicant will have access to the Center’s research equipment (see below) and will receive support in organising and conducting research, including additional funding for research and/or mobility, and an online platform for recruiting participants.
The applicant will be employed full-time for 12 months (with an option to extend to 24 months), with a monthly pay of 11 500 PLN (pre-tax). Note the affordability of Torun when compared to the European average – e.g.
Proposed start: December 2022 (negotiable)
For further information and job description, see the advertisement on Euraxess. See HERE for the application process and required documents.
If interested, please inquire at wacewicz [at] umk [dot] pl
CLES: the CLES Lab is located in Collegium Maius in the beautiful Old Town of Toruń. It houses equipment and software that will be at the applicant’s disposal, including an EyeLink 1000 Plus eye tracker, a biofeedback set, Rokoko Smartsuit Pro motion capture set, and a range of software licences including E-Prime with Chronos, LabVanced, nVivo and SPSS. Successful applicants will join a team of international researchers at CLES, who conduct research on a range of linguistic and evolutionary phenomena. Currently we are working on several projects funded by the Polish agencies NCN and NAWA, which you can find on our web page (
IMSErt: the Center of Excellence IMSErt – Interacting minds, societies, environments ( is one of the five centers of excellence at NCU Torun. It conducts research in linguistics, archaeology, psychology, history of knowledge, memory studies, social geography, environmental studies, economics, finance and management.
NCU Torun: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, the largest university in northern Poland, is now part of the Excellence Initiative – Research University, which is implemented at ten best universities in Poland.
Toruń: the city of Toruń has a very strong reputation as one of the most beautiful cities in Poland – it is enlisted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of Poland. It is also the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, and a world-famous hometown of gingerbread – still manufactured to a 500-year-old recipe.